5 Things to Know Before Upgrading to the Newest WiFi Standard, WiFi 6

WiFi is indeed the way of life, as the rise of WiFi 6 brings about more efficient data delivery and faster speeds. Beyond the improved performance, do you really need WiFi 6? There’re 5 things you will want to know to make your decision.

1. Backward compatibility is the name of the game

A concern with upgrading to new technology is the lack of support in the early stages, but that won’t be the case with WiFi 6. Although it primarily serves to transmit data to devices that are compatible, it’s still able to work with all existing WiFi-supported gadgets, so there’s no need for users to replace their smartphones and tablets. New WiFi, new device? Not in this house.

2. Enhanced performance in crowded areas

Encountering slow WiFi speeds in a crowded setting is a familiar problem, and it’s bound to stay in this digital age. As households are increasingly overloaded with WiFi devices from smartphones and laptops to tablets, the one-gadget-per-individual lifestyle is quickly becoming a past memory. All that bandwidth demands for greater capabilities, however, and WiFi 6 seeks to improve the user experience by increasing the transmission speeds of devices, such that poor connectivity and latency lag will no longer be an issue.

3. Increased support for the smart home ecosystem

It’s in with the new, and out with the old. With smart homes gaining more popularity, the average home is set to experience a denser network, which may lead to slower WiFi speeds.
The upgraded technologies of WiFi 6 are designed to tackle this problem, allowing for increased traffic without a drop in transmission speeds. In this Internet of Things (IoT) era, having a smart home ecosystem also means more support for AR and VR technology. For gamers, this means it’s now possible to enjoy popular VR titles across devices, and reap the performance benefits while at it.

4. Setting the stage for the future of 4K and 8K streaming

The days of 720p streaming are fast disappearing, as 4K and 8K videos take over – but with the high-definition format comes a need for a proper WiFi infrastructure that cannot operate on slower speeds. With a combination of faster processors, increased memory, and more radio streams, WiFi 6 is well-equipped to keep up with the demands of technologically-advanced streaming for a stutter-free viewing experience of events like the Tokyo Olympics.

5. Say hello to longer battery life

New version, new upgrades. The need to stay connected has called for prolonged battery life, especially with the frequent and heavy use of WiFi devices in today’s times. WiFi 6’s all-new “target wake time” feature brings energy-saving technology into the fray by having the access point put its WiFi radio to sleep, before waking it up for the next transmission at a specified time. Longer hours and greater battery efficiency, for the win.

As the WiFi 6 ecosystem continues to grow, more WiFi 6-certified products are expected to hit shelves. With its numerous perks, the new standard proves to be a valuable upgrade, especially for those who value fast speeds. The first step now is making the transition to the WiFi 6 life, and ASUS is the place to get started.